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Precise Redmine burndown chart


I’m thinking of precise Redmine burdown chart, which is not so simple. It has to build burdown chart for a given sprint (Version in Redmine). It has to account issues added to Version and removed from during the sprint. It, after all, has to account for what is considered “closed” status, which might be one […]

Google Buzz button for WordPress


Just installed a shiny new Google Buzz button for WordPress by Tejaswini, Sanjeev. I hacked it a bit, to align to the right. Download this plugin version here, until author updates it. I’m replacing a diggIt button; Buzz fits my color scheme better 😀 Enjoy.

“group by” clause in GORM/HibernateCriteriaBuilder


Just in case someone needs a code snippet. This one groups Prices by PriceProvider and was intended to pick only last 5 values for each PriceProvider – but sadly, it’s impossible without window functions. Which are not supported in Hibernate in any way.

Hibernate join bug


Hibernate bug 1895 seems to be still there since 2006. If, for instance, in Grails, such a syntax won’t work for you (it won’t): def books = Book.findAll(“FROM Book AS b JOIN Chapter AS c WHERE = :isActive”) with a NullPointerException in “HqlSqlWalker.createFromJoinElement” — just use alternative join syntax, via WHERE: def books = […]

Self-update library for .NET using WiX: DotUpdater


Just published a library I created on one of past jobs out of Updater Application Block and WiX’s ClichThrough component. Please meet: DotUpdater It can auto-update an application, just create a RSS feed of updates and Windows Installer (MSI) binaries.

Link Taxonomy Terms to Views in Drupal


Imagine a task (actually, quite common), if you have: a nodes (articles, ads, whatever) taxonomy in Drupal, a taxonomy-based url path rewrites, like /monkeys/primates/homosapiens and want to show a block/page View with articles only from current path term (and, maybe, its subterms). It might be a hard time finding out the current term. One could […]

Diff a Micorosoft Office documents inder SVN?


In case you, like me, need to compare version of Office documents (under Windows), just know that TortoiseSVN got a pretty set of scripts for that. It works out of box! YES! You can compare Office documents just like plaintext files!. Just tried it and it worked. If you were afraid of trying, like me […]

Grails: mocking domain objects in unit tests


We’re trying Grails, Rails-like web application framework for Java. It’s fine, just that Groovy debugger support is, er, imperfect, even in the best Gruoovy IDE – IDEA. And, if you want to unit test, you won’t have fancy domain class methods addTo* – like Customer.addToOrders(). They’re generated by Grails on startup. In order to have […]

“Project Dependencies” of Visual Studio 2008 broken in MSBuild


Just dealt with another Visual Studio 2008 “feature”. You can specify all the necessary “Project Dependencies” in Visual Studio, but will get “CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file FooBar.dll could not be found“. Even if your csproj files have correct references to other solution projects, msbuild will fail. Maybe it appears only if project output […]

Algorithmic quiz: check a 3-braces expression


I just won a bet for $10 by solving a quiz:
Check the correctness of a braces, brackets and parentheses sequence. The solution should be of linear complexity (to say more, it’s 1-pass).
It’s basically solved in 15 lines, all others being auxiliary. Can you reproduce the algorithm?

IListSource.ContainsListCollection explained


Whenever you implement own datasource for .NET GUI binding, you’lll have the choice – whether to implement IList or IListSource. IListSource is a simplistic interface with two members: IList<T> GetList() and bool ContainsListCollection; MSDN help about IListSource.ContainsListCollection states it’s “indicating whether the collection is a collection of IList objects”. MSDN is not true here. If […]

Unit tests quickstart


A friend asked me for it, so probably someone might need a jumpstart in unit tests. Here’s a short list of short (though very deep, if not best) intros. Except for JUnit cookbook (~2 pages) (which has a lot of “ports”, like CppUnit cookbook), I’d name: “Endo-Testing: Unit Testing with Mock Objects” at (Tim […]