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The dead end of Russian software engineer?


Ex-USSR has got a great school of engineers. Russia is the 3rd software outsourcing country (market) in the world. Russian (let’s use the name, though I’m Ukrainian, for instance) engineers are very educated and think out of the box. We got OOP gurus, Java buddhas, UI Picassos, Haskell Lamas, agile addicts and tech team management […]

Now on free CDN


Thanks to Dreamhost, now running on CloudFlare CDN. WP Super Cache happily supports it. BTW CloudFlare got a free plan, and it’s easy to set up so that it doesn’t interfere: Add a cdn subdomain to your hosting; Add your domain to CloudFlare; On CloudFlare, disable CDN for all subdomains except for cdn. Set up […]

Got a StackOverflow careers invitation.


They do a pretty cool thing: force you to tell “the truth” — no matter how subjective this term is — as opposed to emasculated official style: what you really did (whatever it means to you); what opensource/published projects did you participate in; Top Stack questions you answered; your professional reading and (sic!) writing. Here […]